2022 jubilee logo terme
2022 General Assembly
and International Scientific Congress
TERME of Castel San Pietro Terme

Official opening with invited dignitaries
I - Balneology in progress
II - Balneology in the world (I)
III - Balneology in changing societies
IV - Balneology in the world (II)
V - FEMTEC with the world
VI - Balneology: integrate, complementary, systems' medicine
VII - Workshop for Media

I Scientific session: BALNEOLOGY IN PROGRESS

CHAIRS: C. Roques, U. Solimene, O. Surdu, G. Leonardi

1. P. Cantista (Portugal), Medical Hydrology: education, training and certification
2. A. Fioravanti (Italy), Balneotherapy and osteoarthritis: new evidence for an old therapy
3. M. Vitale (Italy), Science per Aquam: Balneotherapy Research in Italy
4. S. Masiero (Italy), The thermal rehabilitation: reality and perspectives
5. C. Roques (France), Bottled mineral waters: would legal notices be useful?

Official opening with invited dignitaries
I - Balneology in progress
II - Balneology in the world (I)
III - Balneology in changing societies
IV - Balneology in the world (II)
V - FEMTEC with the world
VI - Balneology: integrate, complementary, systems' medicine
VII - Workshop for Media
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