logo Brasov 2024 General Assembly and
International Scientific Congress
Brașov - Romania

Participants' Registration
Abstracts and Presentations

Participants' Registration and Abstract submission Form

Fill in Part 1 to attend the Congress, in person or by videoconference (all Part 1 fields are mandatory). You will receive a confirmation email. Hotel reservation payments must be done before sending the form.

To give a presentation, also fill in Part 2. If you decide on your presentation after registering, or if you have only submitted a draft of your abstract and then need to submit the final version, fill in Part 1 again with the same data to avoid double registrations.

Important Notes

  • Your email identifies your registration, so you must be careful to write it correctly. If some data needs to be changed, resubmit the form with the correct data and the same email: the new data will replace the old ones.

  • Online Participation refers only to scientific presentations, not to the Assembly and related votes, because the current Statute does not allow online voting. The new Statute that will be proposed will solve this problem because online voting has been foreseen, provided that voters are technically identifiable.

  • If you will present a paper:

    • Before October 1st, you have to insert the abstract, or at least the topic of your speach, in Part 2
    • Before October 16th, if you have inserted only the topic, you have to send again the form rewriting the personal data and inserting the final Abstract in Part 2

Registration Form

Part 1 - Registration: All Participants

Part 2 - Only Participants presenting Papers

Participants' Registration
Abstracts and Presentations

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