![]() We announce with great sadness the death of our beloved President Umberto Solimene. The Congress of Ourense will be in honor and memory of him. The election of the new President will be held during the 74th General Assembly FEMTEC in Ourense in the days of the Congress. The 74th General Assembly and International Scientific Congress“BALNEOTHERAPY OF THE FUTURE”Sustainability strategies and proposals for new health and wellness visionsOurense (Galicia, Spain) - October 26-29, 2023 Auditorio Afundación Abanca ![]() Videos and slides of the Congress speakers will be included in the PROCEEDINGS Section as they become availableRationale, motivations and purposes of the CongressHumanity is facing an unprecedented population explosion, also supported by a marked extension of average life expectancy. Urbanization seems unstoppable. Rapid communication and migration-often uncontrolled or manipulated-are a source of cultural homogenization but also of serious misunderstandings and conflicts. All this is aggravated by the scenario of dwindling food resources due to dramatic climate change. These phenomena alone explain why the biological and mental life and health of the patient of the future will be increasingly conditioned by socioeconomic context and thus by variables such as cultural level, income, health knowledge network, and relational networks, as well as by epigenetic factors and the genetic characteristics of each individual person. The patient of the future (see Femtec News) will have to contend again and increasingly with non-communicable diseases. Cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, neoplastic, metabolic, and especially progressive degenerative diseases, which were less relevant when life expectancy was lower than now, will be responsible for 74% of deaths especially in less developed countries and everywhere in the world among low-income social groups (see WHO - Noncommunicable diseases). Unexpectedly, then, these environment- and age-related diseases will surpass infectious diseases as a cause of death even in developing countries. This hierarchical turnaround among diseases will be even more pronounced when considering not only mortality but the impact on disability, the latter condition to which curable or, conversely, rapidly fatal diseases contribute less and less than chronic-degenerative ones. The progressive deterioration of exposome conditions (diet, stress, environmental pollution, natural and man-made radiation, smoking) and the acceleration imparted to it by climate change will contribute to maintaining constant or even increasing the prevalence of diseases such as, for example, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and chronic pulmonary diseases. If this is the outlook for the “patient of the future” one may wonder whether there, which actions and solutions can be envisaged for the Balneology? What will be the new Balneology for the Patient of the future? Facing this upcoming situation, which future can we expect for the Thermae and Medical Spa, their role in national health care systems, the need for technological updates, human resources, research, data collection, and data analysis methods, the organization of hospitality? The challenge will be to reconcile the new global socioeconomic and environmental conditions with the unique specificities of the thermal tradition, defined by the therapeutic and environmental Moreover, how can the growing demand for health be integrated with infrastructures allowing sustainable development and tourism? Skills and capabilities will have to change for the Thermae as they did for industry: while problem-solving will still be the most sought-after soft skill by 2023, critical thinking and creativity will also gain importance. The present challenges of modern and advanced society can be summarized into development and environmental, human, and personal sustainability. In consideration of the importance of the topics covered, the choice of the Congress venue in Ourense plays an important role. Spa resort of great prestige and tradition which constitutes an international model "health cluster". The quality of the waters, the structures and the historical and cultural heritage of the Galician region (Santiago de Compostela) will contribute to making the 74th Femtec Congress a memorable event! SPEAKERS AND PARTICIPANTS CAN BE PRESENT EITHER IN PERSON OR REMOTELY VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE (BOOK YOUR PRESENCE HERE) SIMULTANEOUS SPANISH-ENGLISH TRANSLATION - TRADUCCIÓN SIMULTÁNEA INGLÉS-ESPAÑOL ![]() Main Topics and Workshops
Congress ParticipationFill in the Registration Form to attend the Congress by videoconference or in person: you will receive a confirmation by email with payment instruction. SOL&MED WELLNESS HEALTH TIME (Email: solymed.congressi@yahoo.com) is the Congress organizing Agency that manages the hotel booking and participation payment activities:
Presentations must be submitted before October 10th See the procedures about Abstracts and Presentations submission. Scientific Secretariat: simona.busato@libero.it (IT - EN) , natmo@mail.ru (FR - RU) ![]() ![]() TourismOrense is a city in Galicia, famous for its thermal springs and its historical and cultural heritage. Some of the most popular attractions to visit in Orense are:
09:00am - Departure from the OCA and Auriense hotels. Travel time: 1 hour by bus. The tour includes visits to the cultural and historical sites of Santiago, including the famous Cathedral, with lunch. Guide in English and Spanish. Return to Ourense. Tourism Information & organized tours: SOL & MED Email: solymed.congressi@yahoo.com - Phone: +39 392.3879.504 Main Sponsors![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Patronage![]() ![]() Media Partners![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()