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Medicina termale - F.E.M.T.E.C.

Attività F.E.M.T.E.C.

Il Direttore del Centro Prof. Umberto Solimene č Segretario Generale della F.E.M.T.E.C. (Federazione Mondiale del Termalismo e Climatoterapia) che coordina le Associazioni Nazionali delle Terme di 43 Paesi.


FEMTEC is the most representative association of Spa and health organizations in the world.
FEMTEC composed of national Spa and health resorts associations and federations, as well as central state organizations dealing with Spa problems from many countries and continents.
FEMTEC functions under the aegis of the World Health Organization and submites every three years report on its activities.
The principal functions of the Federation are following:

  • representing world thermalism matters and promote them internationally before states and public organization;
  • international business-like co-operation in health resorts' sector;
  • study, research and experience exchanges in the sphere of Spa treatments;
  • popularization of Spa and health resorts of the FEMTEC member-countries in different countries ofthe world.

With a view of organizing fruitful activities of FEMTEC there function 4 permanent commissions: medical, economic, technical and social.
FEMTEC members actively participate in international scientific symposia, exhibitions, conferences; there are held annual General Assembly, Executive Board and Executive Committee meetings. Every year FEMTEC organizes Scientific Congress along with a competition of seienti fic works, marks ofthe best thermalists etc.
The Federation maintain close contacts with European Spas Association (ESPA), World Tourism Organization (WTO) and other international organizations.

The Board of FEMTEC includes the following members:

  • Prof. Nikolay STOROZHENKO - (Russia)
    President of FEMTEC from 1998, President National Spa Association D.M., Honoured Physician
    e-mail: kurort@online.ru
  • Prof. Umberto SOLIMENE - (Italy)
    Secretary General of FEMTEC from 2000, Professor of MEDICAL THERAPY MEDICINE, Director of the Centre for Research on Medical Bioclimatology, Biotechnologies, and Natural Medicines of the Milan University, Director of the Collaborating Centre for Traditional Medicine of the World Health Organisation.
    e-mail: umberto.solimene@unimi.it

Vice-Presidents of FEMTEC:

  • Dr. Istvan FLUCK (Hungary) First Vice-President, Medical Director general of Danubius Hotels Group, Honorary President of the Hungarian Balneological Association
  • Mr. Kyung DO CHO (South Korea) President of Bukok Hot Spring Development Co. Ltd, President of Korea Hot Spring Association, Director of FAPAC
  • Dr. Tagao TAKI (Japan) President, the Japan Spa Association, Science Commission Member, Thermalism Administration Council for the Environment; Member, Japanese Association of Physical Medicine Balneology and Climatology; President, Hotel Kindayu
  • Dr. Mikhailo LOBODA (Ukraine) President of the Pan-Ukranian Association of Physiotherapists and Healt Resort Specialists, D.M., Professor
  • Mr. Mohammed Said JAOUADI (Tunisia) Director General, Office of Thermalism, Ministry of Tourism and Handicrafts of Tunisia
  • Mr. Prof. C.F. ROQUES (France), Professor of phisical therapy and re-habilitation, University of Toulouse

Audit Board of FEMTEC:

  • Mr. Pete Joan TOMAS (Andorra) Chief auditor, Vice - President of the Board of "Caldea"
  • Dr. Bogdan AKSENTIYCHUK (Ukraine) ,wf , Auditor, Director General, Spa "Truskavetskurort"

Chairmans of the FEMTEC Permanent Commissions:

  • Mr. Jean-Claude EBRARD (France) Chairman of the FEMTEC Economic Commission, President of NUSE, Vice-President of the French Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy
  • Dr. Wolfgang FUCHS (Germany) Chairman of the FEMTEC Technical Commission Member of the Executive Board "Herzzentrum Bad Krozingen", General Manager of "Theresienklinik", Consultant of National and International Hospital Development
  • Dr. Zoltan HORNYANSZKY (Hungary) Chairman of the FEMTEC Social Commission, Vice-president for operation and quality Lecebne lame, Marianske Lazne a.s., Doctor of Economy.

FEMTEC history started in October, 1937 when "The Federation Internationale des Stations Balneaires, Climatique et Maritimes" was formed and the first President JozsefFerenc (Hungary) was elected.

The second congress took place in Germany in September, 1938. And in June, 1939 an extraordinary congress was held in Belgium.

The Federation function was interrupted during the Second World War.

In July, 1947 at the first post-war congress in Switzerland the Federation was given the new name "International Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy - Federation Internationale du Thermalisme et du Climatisme (FITEC)". Presidens of the Federation: from 1947 till 1969 Dr. August Schirmer (Switzerland) and from 1969 till 1998 Dr. Guy Ebrard (France).

During the last 53 years General Assembly, scientific Congresses, Executive Committee and Board meetings were held in many different places, including European countries, Japan, Peru, Russia and others.

In 1998, during the 51st Congress, held in Moscow, the General Assembly has nomineted the former President, Dr. Guy Ebrard, Honorary President of the FEMTEC.

In 1999 the General Assembly at Yalta (Ukraine) decided to change the name "International Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy" to "FEMTEC (Federation Mondiale du Thermalisme et du Climatisme) - World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy ".

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