2022 jubilee logo terme
2022 General Assembly
and International Scientific Congress
TERME of Castel San Pietro Terme

The painted walls of Dozza
Bologna ''la Dotta''
Walking around Bologna
Gastronomy of Emilia
The enchanted Venice
Art & fashion in Florence
Milan history & shopping


Gastronomy of Emilia-Romagna

Bologna and its region Emilia-Romagna are the home of food flavours and traditions, where the word cuisine means culture above all else.

It's a culture of food and wine that lets you to discover centuries of local cuisine excellence.

A number of culinary specialities from Emilia have led to Italy’s worldwide fame: we can mention Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, Parma ham, balsamic vinegar from Modena and Reggio Emilia, culatello, mortadella, tortellini, lasagne, tagliatelle and Certosino, thecake that dates back to the Middle Ages.

About wines we can mention Verdicchio, Sangiovese, Lambrusco, Albana and Pignoletto, to name just a few of the most well-known.

We therefore suggest that you taste these specialties in the place where they are born, because the world is full of fake Italian food products (just think of the "Parmesan" scam). You will be surprised and enchanted by their inimitable flavor and by the excellence of Emilian cuisine.


The painted walls of Dozza
Bologna ''la Dotta''
Walking around Bologna
Gastronomy of Emilia
The enchanted Venice
Art & fashion in Florence
Milan history & shopping
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