2022 jubilee logo terme
2022 General Assembly
and International Scientific Congress
TERME of Castel San Pietro Terme

Official opening with invited dignitaries
I - Balneology in progress
II - Balneology in the world (I)
III - Balneology in changing societies
IV - Balneology in the world (II)
V - FEMTEC with the world
VI - Balneology: integrate, complementary, systems' medicine
VII - Workshop for Media

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VI Scientific session (Room A - B): BALNEOLOGY: INTEGRATE, COMPLEMENTARY AND SYSTEMS’ MEDICINE (tradition, innovation and sustainability)

CHAIRS: M.L. Agnese, M. Cristofolini, A. Fioravanti, F. Maraver

1. *E. Minelli (Switzerland), Balneology integrated with traditional Chinese medicine
2. E. Sangiorgi (Italy), A model of integration between thermalism and Complementary medicines in hot springs
3. R. Blaser (Switzerland), Rehabilitation and prevention exemplified by complementary, conventional medicine and the therapeutic effect of alkaline Glauber’s salt
4. *T. Nicolai (Belgium), Integrative healthcare and politics
5. L. Bramante (Italy), INAIL: Balneology for a global protection of the health of the disabled in an industrial accident. Models of integration
6. G. Merati (Italy), Exercise for wellbeing: the role of thermal and outdoor natural settings to translate evidence into practice
7. G. Di Ionna, GP. Baruzzi, G.Zanette, (Italy) HRV: A RELIABLE BIOMARKER FOR WELLNESS.SNA/Neurovegetative messages to optimize lifestyle and modulate stress responses
8. M. Nieri (Italy), The therapeutic power of nature: forest bathing and bioenergetic landscape
9. A. Perra (Italy), Low dose cytokine therapy for healthy longevity. A novel pharmacology for a systemic, and multi-level approach to aging
10. *G. De Benedittis (Italy), The challenge of pain: can hypnosis control your pain?
11. *M. Lobanov (Russia), Methods to forecast health benefit of the territory
12. P. Hlouskova (Czech Republic), Therapeutic environmental factors in the climatic spa in the Czech Republic
13. *L. Bressan (Italy), Complementary treatments for neurological diseases
14. F. Bonsignori (Italy), The new age of the historic italian medical scientific association of thermalism (AMIITTF)
15. F. Roggiolani (Italy), Thermae and sustainability: hot springs don’t need gas
16. F. Menendez (Italy), Programs of FEMTEC commission on Health and Gender

17. M.G. Souto Figueroa, I. Freire Puy, A. Freire MagariƱos (Spain), Digitalization and Revenue Management, inexcusable future of spa center
18. *M. Boaron (Portugal), IT: Thermae 4.0

Official opening with invited dignitaries
I - Balneology in progress
II - Balneology in the world (I)
III - Balneology in changing societies
IV - Balneology in the world (II)
V - FEMTEC with the world
VI - Balneology: integrate, complementary, systems' medicine
VII - Workshop for Media
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