2022 jubilee logo terme
2022 General Assembly
and International Scientific Congress
TERME of Castel San Pietro Terme

Official opening with invited dignitaries
I - Balneology in progress
II - Balneology in the world (I)
III - Balneology in changing societies
IV - Balneology in the world (II)
V - FEMTEC with the world
VI - Balneology: integrate, complementary, systems' medicine
VII - Workshop for Media


CHAIRS: M. Baltar, E. Faroldi, L. Kovachev

- 1st workshop: “Water and Civilization”: sacred and profane
COORDINATORS: M-C Tallot (France), U. Solimene (Italy)

1. *S. Caprio (Italy), Symbolic and sacramental meaning of water in the Eastern Orthodox and Western Catholic traditions
2. E. Faroldi (Italy), Thermae and architecture. Trends, strategies, visions for a modern thermal culture
3. T.V. Surdu (Romania), Water, Fundamental Element of Being
4. A. Bovero (Italy), The super model: a new era for the spa & beauty industry

- 2nd Workshop: Balneology from the “High Diplomacy” to the Civil Society
COORDINATORS: F. Werner (France), C. Mastrocola (Italy), P. Gullini (Italy), S. Caprio (Italy)

1. M. Aliverti (Italy), Thermal towns and diplomatic events. An old and strengthen correlation
2. *M. J-P Grouzart (France), The civil society, patients and users of thermal centers
3. E. Marasco (Italy), There is no sustainable future without Gender Equality: that's why Women20 promotes gender medicine
4. A. Santuari (Italy), Public-private partnerships: an opportunity for the future of medical spas?
5. G. Fisanotti (Italy) - V. Ceniti, Tourism between politics and economy
6. *G. Uspele (Latvia), Development of Wellness and Spa Tourism Sectoral Skills*
7. C. Crotti (Italy), Thermae&SPA. How to choice! A Femtec live TV initiative

Official opening with invited dignitaries
I - Balneology in progress
II - Balneology in the world (I)
III - Balneology in changing societies
IV - Balneology in the world (II)
V - FEMTEC with the world
VI - Balneology: integrate, complementary, systems' medicine
VII - Workshop for Media
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