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2022 General Assembly
and International Scientific Congress
TERME of Castel San Pietro Terme

Balneology in changing Societies
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Balneology in changing Societies

Multilateral approach to health care and well-being

Anusca Palace Hotel - Terme di Castel San Pietro
CASTEL SAN PIETRO TERME (Bologna, ITALY), November 3 - 6, 2022

“Omnia mutantur, nihil interit” (Everything changes, nothing dies) - Ovidi, Metamorphosis, XV,165

Change is the "natural" condition of human societies. It involves more or less consistent, more or less rapid modifications of customs ,ideas, beliefs and values. Sometimes, they may concern only one sector at first, but then there is a carry-over effect towards other areas whereby technology influences the economy with all its attendants. For example, technology and the economy can change faster than social and religious organization.

But, today, in a globalized and interconnected world, in every sector, everything is much more rapid and with unpredictable consequences. Steve Jobes, the founder of Apple, used to say "I will change your life”. A subtle Chinese curse says "I wish you to live in interesting times".

In today's web society even the relationship between health and disease and 'changed with the advent of new tools related to the exchange, transmission and sharing of health information in proposing a new doctor-patient relationship. Also, the world of the Spa, with its ancient traditions and connections in the history and actuality of human civilization, can not be exempt from these socio-economic and environmental needs and propose to itself a critical analysis proposal to update the new reality. And, then, appear some questions.

What role do Spas play in today's web society? What answers can Balneology give to the new health needs in the world of e-health? What kind of innovations are required to meet the challenges of the new tools related to the technological evolution of exchange, transmission and sharing of information and therapeutic methodologies? Do health, illness, the doctor-patient relationship and the relationship with the territory find adequate support in the spa culture and organization? Have the pathologies linked to the COVID-19 pandemic seen an appropriate role for spa medicine in rehabilitative treatments? Are the requirements of evidence, rationality, tradition and efficiency required today in "good practice" really offered?

These issues, with their possible proposals for solutions, will try to answer with the wide debate and international comparison of the 73rd Conference of Femtec dedicated to “BALNEOLOGY IN CHANGING SOCIETIES. Multilateral approach to health care and well-being”. Femtec believes, in fact, on the basis of its long experience, that the spa system, Italian and international, has in itself all the elements capable of proposing and implementing a renewal-renaissance of this ancient tradition of prevention, care and rehabilitation.

But, as highlighted in the topics addressed in the previous Femtec Congresses, multidisciplinary (technical-scientific-cultural) and multilateral (political, economic, social and organizational) approaches are indispensable.

The main topics of the Congress

  • Research as a factor for knowledge and correct information
  • Training (university and post-university, face-to-face and on line)
  • Complementary and integrated balneology as systems medicine
  • The role of thermal patients and users
  • Thermal Center’s technologies and structures
  • Organization and management of the Thermal District regions
  • Public-private partner ships
  • Traditional and IT Marketing
  • Sustainable and health tourism
  • The concept of ONE HEALTH
  • Health Insurance
  • Regional and national health policy
  • Legal-administrative regulations
Workshops on:
  • Exercise Sciences and Balneology as strategic alliance for health and lifestyles
  • The WESKILL Project “Wellness and Spa Tourism Sectoral Skills’ Development” (co-founded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union) for health tourism operators
  • Thermae & Diplomacy

This year the 73rd Congress of Femtec takes place in Italy, in Castel San Pietro Terme (Bologna), a healing place mentioned for the properties of its waters since the 14th century. Belonging to the category of sulphurous ones and bromine and iodine salt, it allows prevention treatments, care and rehabilitation for the respiratory and osteoarticular apparatus. Its modern and updated health structure of hospitality and management, inserted in a territorial context of valuable tourist offer, can represent the realization of a concrete model of transformation in balneology of our time.

Welcome to Castel San Pietro Terme!

      The President
      Prof. Umberto Solimene


Balneology in changing Societies
Congress Program
Registration, Papers, Contacts
Organizing and Scientific Committees
The Anusca Palace Hotel
How to reach the Anusca Hotel
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